Yes, I’m in the process of building custom searches for specific neighborhoods and types of properties. Why you ask? To make the searching process simpler for you. Looking to live in Cascade Park? Guess what, we now have a custom search for you. Looking for short sale homes available in Clark County? Yep, we have one for those as well. There will be more customized searches coming in the upcoming weeks.

What would you like to see? Perhaps a custom search for 2-3-4 Plex properties? Maybe vacant lots? How about Salmon Creek? Hazel Dell? Commercial property in Orchards? Looking for something vintage in downtown Vancouver or Ridgefield? These are all possible.

Leave a comment letting me know what you desire.

Perhaps you are a little more adventurous and would like to do your own custom property search. That is possible too. Simply head to here and get started now (unfortunately you will have to register to save your own custom searches, but I promise not to spam you with garbage and I’ll never sell your information).

When you find any properties that you are interested in shoot me an email or call me and I’d love to represent you through the buying process. After all, now is a great time to buy real estate in Clark County.

Take care,

Dale Chumbley

The Chumbley Team
Clark County Real Estate Guide