I’d like to introduce you all to a new site redesigned site I’m doing. I actually started this thing over a year ago on the Blogger format. I was never completely happy with it and recently found a cool WordPress theme that was more like what I wanted. This new theme lays out the entire page with the photos and you can hover over each one to get the title and description.

So, what is this site?

This redesigned site is a mobile blog. Basically Clark County Photos is a random bunch of photos that were taken with my mobile phone. Whatever catches my attention. Sometimes it may strike my funny bone. Sometimes it may be something serious. Maybe a cool feature somewhere. Whatever I feel like. The cool thing is the entire process is mobile! I take the pic, don’t edit it at all. Send it through the air to Flickr which then auto posts it to the moblog. Pretty sweet huh?

Here’s a snapshot of what it looks like.

My plan is to shoot at least one photo per day. If you are enough glutton for punishment, you might want to add this to your feed reader and see what I’m up to. See how my eye wanders around Clark County (& beyond). These pics can come from anywhere. After all, I make these rules. ;)

Feel free to comment on any pics you like or don’t like! Thanks for playing.