Day 192 of 365…
Once upon a time in a world years and years ago, kids played with toys that made them think and interact. They didn’t involve screens, monitors and controllers. Electricity wasn’t necessary. They engaged with whatever they were playing with.
Guess what? There is still a place right here in Vancouver, WA where these toys still exist and flourish. Actually, there are two locations where you can find these items. Kazoodles is this magical place. Kazoodles is the place of kid-powered toys. From newborns to toddlers all the way to the oldest of “kids” you’ll find it here.
I love this statement from their website…
Looking for high quality, fun, safe toys in Vancouver, Washington? You’ve found them at Kazoodles, where kid-powered toys are what we’re all about.
This locally-owned, independent toy store is chock-full of unique toys, books and games for kids from birth through preschool, grade school, the teen years and beyond. From the educational to the whimsical, the classics to the coolest, you’ll find loads to explore at Kazoodles.
Kazoodles has two locations to serve our community. The original store is just West of Esther Short Park at 575 W 8th St., Vancouver, WA 98660 and can be reached at 360-699-9200. Their newest Cascade Park location can be found at 13503 SE Mill Plain Blvd. #B-3, Vancouver, WA 98684 and can be reached at 360-823-0123. You can also connect to Kazoodles on Facebook and on Twitter.

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