Day 258 of 365…
What might our world look like over 500 years from now? What might it look like from the perspective of an author almost 80 years ago? In 1932 Aldous Huxley published his novel Brave New World and gave his perspective on this question. Now, all these years later his novel has been adapted for stage and our very own Evergreen High School Theatre Department is taking it on and making it their own.
I was fortunate enough to get to sneak a peak at this very edgy, contemporary play and I’m quite excited. They have incorporated some very cool music and movement into their interpretation which is wonderful for me since I’m normally more of a musical theater guy. Brave New World is far from just a straight drama. The set is very simple and clean and the lighting looks to be quite amazing. The cast was having lots of fun and had an incredible energy in each part I got to see.
The show runs November 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th. Show time is 7pm and it’s $8 for adults and only $5 for students and seniors. I will be attending this show either the 12th or 13th and can’t wait to see it.

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